Investments help companies to position themselves optimally in the market and gain advantages over their competitors. Along this process, investment planning performs the critical task of planning, controlling and coordinating all investment activities.
In view of the importance of investment planning for the strategic and operative orientation of a company, it is all the more astonishing that many companies do not have a clearly structured process for requesting and approving budgets. Investment applications are often still made on an Excel sheet basis. Consolidating the resulting innumerable files leads to enormous expenditure of time and high error probability. In addition, it is difficult to keep track of budget and investment requests.
In our multi-part blog series, we deal with various aspects of investment planning. We shed light on the challenges employees in controlling or purchasing are faced with - depending on where the investment planning is located in the company. How can you make their daily work easier? What factors make investment planning efficient? How can investment activities be centrally coordinated and managed?
We answer these and many more questions in the various articles in our blog series. A new article will be added every week until October.
Part 1: Simple CapEx Planning
Part 2: CapEx Planning with Excel?
To be continued ...