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    SAP Security, Identity & Access Management

    SAP Identity Management (IdM) uses the function module RFC_READ_TABLE to read application server ABAP (AS ABAP) tables.

    Business Intelligence, Master Data Management

    Which topics related to data, business intelligence and analytics will be in particular demand in 2022?

    SAP Security, Enterprise Security

    As a result of the recently identified Log4Shell vulnerability (also known as CVE-2021-44228), the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) has issued a red alert for the IT threat level.

    Internet of Things

    The proportion of companies that have implemented IoT projects has hardly changed compared to the previous year and remains at around 50%.

    AGIMENDO.invest, Data & Analytics, Sustainability

    Sustainability is undoubtedly one of the dominant issues of our time. Ambitious targets and effective measures are needed to curb climate change and mitigate global warming.

    Business Intelligence, SAP Data Warehouse Cloud

    The Python programming language is characterized by simplicity, clarity and reduced syntax, among other things.

    Business Intelligence, SAP Datasphere, Data & Analytics

    SAP Business Warehouse (BW) has been established on the market as a powerful business intelligence solution for many years.