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    Business Intelligence, SAP Data Warehouse Cloud

    With SAP Data Warehouse Cloud (DWC), SAP offers a powerful modeling tool for business intelligence use cases.

    Technology, Innovation, Artificial Intelligence

    Where is the technological journey heading in the coming year? With the Technology Trends for 2022, Gartner analysts look ahead to which topics will be of particular concern to enterprise CIOs.

    Master Data Management

    Icecat is an open catalog for product information management. It includes millions of product information items in multiple languages that are published and distributed worldwide.

    Business Intelligence, SAP Data Warehouse Cloud

    SAP Data Warehouse Cloud (DWC) is known for being optimally aligned with SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC).

    Digitalization, Processes

    Companies are increasingly recognizing the importance of business processes for corporate success.

    Digitalization, Events

    On the closing day of DSAGLIVE 2021 (September 20-24), the customer played the leading role.

    Digitalization, Events

    A recent survey of DSAG members revealed that the topic of sustainability is of high or very high importance to 71% of them.