Apprenticeships and Dual Studies


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Your career start with apprenticeship and studies

You are about to finish school and are looking for a career entry with a future in the IT industry?  With us, you can combine theory and practice in an exciting way. This gives you a qualified and varied start to your professional life during your training or dual study programme.

If you choose us as your first employer, we will support you in your entry into professional life. With the help of mentoring programmes, the opportunity to respond to you individually, you will settle in quickly with us. The exchange with other trainees and dual students will always support you.

We look forward to receiving your application!



Manuela Eggensperger

+49 7131 2711-3000

What you will experience with us

You are probably wondering what your everyday life with us will be like in the future if you decide to do an apprenticeship or a dual study programme at our company.

With us, you can gain insights into all the departments you are interested in. If  a specific job area is already planned before your start, you will still get to know other departments in order to understand the big picture. 

If you would like to meet us in person before you apply, you can find us every year at the "Bildungsmesse Heilbronn" and at the "Bewerbernacht DHBW Heilbronn". At these events, our trainees and dual students always actively support us. Maybe one day you will be at our stand at these events and talk about IBsolution as an employer.

Of course, you will be invited to our numerous events that take place throughout the year. In addition, we organise another event every year especially for the trainees and dual students to experience exciting activities together. 


IT specialist system integration

You will install, plan, administrate and maintain networks and systems. You acquire knowledge in the areas of computer network technologies, protocols and operating systems.

You also deal with the topic of IT security, which is ensured by firewalls and encryption, among other things.

IT Specialist Application Development

You will maintain, develop, select and customize both software and databases. In this context, you will use programming languages, suitable methods of software engineering and development tools.

Management Assistant for Personnel Services

During your training, you will learn how to approach customers and candidates on the phone, via social media and in person. You can also qualify as a sales talent beyond the HR area. 

Ausbildung Berufsschule klein

Dual Studies

Business Informatics, Application Management

The topics of your studies will be the basics of business administration, software engineering methods and current IT technologies. You will also learn how IT systems are developed, introduced and operated. In the practical phases, you will gain insights into the different consulting areas and bring your basic economic knowledge into consulting.

Business Informatics, Business Engineering

The focus of your studies will be on information and communication systems which are used along the entire value chain of companies. You will learn how to manage these processes. In the practical phases, you will gain insights into the different consulting areas and bring your basic economic knowledge into consulting.

Business Informatics, Software Engineering

In order for software solutions to be successfully used in a wide variety of areas, they must be adapted to the specific requirements. In these studies, you will learn how successful IT solutions are developed. In the practical phases, you will gain insights into the different consulting areas and bring your basic economic knowledge into consulting.

Business Informatics, Data Science

The digital economy involves special challenges in the fields of technology and business administration. The subject areas in your studies will be information technology, artificial intelligence, big data, modern IT technologies and the modern methods of computer science on top of business administration basics. In the practical phases, you will gain insights into the various consulting areas and bring your basic economic knowledge into consulting.

Business Administration - Service Management Consulting and Sales, IT consulting

In this study program, you will learn the basics of business administration as well as the topics of service management. The involvement of the customer in the service provision process of a company plays a major role. During your practical phases you will gain insights into the tasks, responsibilities and working methods of various departments such as sales, marketing, controlling, accounting and human resources.

DHBW Heilbronn

Our promise to you


Onboarding process with an individual mentor

With a personal mentor, you as a new employee will be made familiar with your job from day one.

Übernahmechancen IBsolution

Good chances of being hired

After you have successfully completed your training or studies, we offer you very good chances of being hired.

Einblicke ins Unternehmen

Insights into the entire company

During your training or studies you can work in many different departments and gain experience.


Personal notebook

You will receive your own notebook right from the start, which you can also use during your training or studies. 


Free drinks and sponsored lunch

During working hours we provide free drinks and sponsor lunch. Fresh fruit and ice cream in summer complete our offer.



In addition to our summer celebration, the autumn event and the Christmas party, our employee budget makes further team events such as cinema visits, go karting or escape rooms with your colleagues possible.


Capital-forming benefits

For the duration of your training or your studies, you have the opportunity to receive an employer subsidy through a capital-forming benefit.


Open culture of feedback

As an employee, you will always receive feedback thanks to our open corporate culture and your strengths will be encouraged.

Job Offers for Apprenticeships and Dual Studies


Then please upload your application documents by using our online application form.

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