
At IBsolution, you matter!

We foster a corporate culture of openness and support, where diversity is valued and collaboration is key. Together, we create a culture of trust that enables everyone to give their best and achieve great things together.

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Onboarding & mentoring

Welcome on board! As part of a three-day onboarding program at our headquarters in Heilbronn, you will get to know the IBsolution spirit. In addition, a mentor will be at your side right from the start. Not only will they support you with any questions you may have about IBsolution, they will also act as a personal coach for your professional development.


Flat hierarchies & communication

Your commitment and your ideas feel right at home with us. Thanks to flat hierarchies and an open communication structure, you’ll have the opportunity to network quickly with other departments, contribute your interests and actively influence projects and decisions.


Team culture

Our cooperation thrives on mutual exchange. At IBsolution, you will be part of an international and interdisciplinary community that not only opens up new perspectives for you, but also enables you to continuously expand your skills.


Feedback culture

Your opinion matters! We value open communication so that we can collaborate with you to create a working environment that meets your needs. You have the opportunity to voice your concerns through a lively feedback culture at all levels. In addition, you can bring about lasting change by taking part in the TOP JOB employee survey. Your feedback is not only welcome, it is the key to continuous improvement.



At IBsolution, our events are more than just corporate get-togethers – they are the key to a strong and connected working culture. These unique gatherings allow you to meet colleagues from different locations, which not only promotes the exchange of ideas, but also creates a strong sense of togetherness.


Team building budget

At IBsolution, you actively shape team building activities. You decide which activities offer the greatest added value for you and your team, we provide financial support.


Honoring your loyalty

It's not just the time you spend with us that is important, but also the valuable collaboration we share. As a thank you for your many years of loyalty, we will celebrate the milestones of your professional career. You can for instance look forward to two additional days of holiday after 5 years of employment.

Baby Welcome Paket_neu

Welcome Baby Kit

Both the small and the big happenings in your life are reasons for celebration. We want to accompany you on your journey and share in your joy. Upon the birth of a child, for example, all employees are gifted an IBsolution Welcome Baby Kit.

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