SAP Identity Management (the SAP solution for Identity Governance & Administration) will expire from mainstream maintenance in 2027 – and can be extended once until 2030 via extended support. SAP does not offer an own successor product and instead refers to the strategic cooperation with Microsoft. The solution recommended by SAP is the Microsoft Entra Suite.
As SAP Identity Management (IdM) has no standard functionality, all implementations are built on a company-specific basis. This raises the individual question for each company: Can the Microsoft Entra Suite with Entra ID and Entra ID Governance be the successor to SAP IdM?
At the start of the Fit Check, you fill out a questionnaire, which we use to determine your status quo and the maturity level of your SAP Identity Management. The questionnaire forms the basis for the subsequent workshops and the elaboration according to the selected package.
Fundamental decision for/against Microsoft Entra, based on core processes
Decision for/against Microsoft Entra, based on processes, incl. rough conception of target scenario
Comprehensive pre-phase incl. detailed concept, costs and project plan
Fundamental decision for/against Microsoft Entra, based on core processes
… are wondering whether Microsoft Entra is the right technology for your processes and IT landscape.
… only have a superficial knowledge of Microsoft Entra.
Presentation of how Microsoft Entra can be a potential solution for your company
Analysis and overview of your IdM architecture, identification of your core processes
Mapping of standard processes in Microsoft Entra
Evaluation of whether there are any show stoppers
Mapping between your core processes and the technological functionalities of Microsoft Entra
Approaches for process optimization
Overview of licenses
Outline of an approximate target architecture
Go or no-go decision regarding Microsoft Entra
Presentation of results with a management summary
Recommendations for action
Decision for/against Microsoft Entra, based on processes, incl. rough conception of target scenario
… have already made a fundamental decision in favor of Microsoft Entra.
... need a comprehensive process analysis.
Presentation of the extent to which Microsoft Entra could be a potential solution for your company
Analysis and overview of your IdM architecture, identification of your processes (beyond the core processes)
Mapping of standard processes in Microsoft Entra
Evaluation of whether there are show stoppers
Mapping between your processes and the technological functionalities of Microsoft Entra
Approaches for process optimization
Overview of licenses and possible costs
ROI calculation
Integration questions about source and target systems as well as other dependencies
Perspective for migration/parallel operation
Recommendations for action on scoping & scoring: processes, source and target systems
Presentation of results with a management summary
Elaborated document incl. target scenario, rough migration strategy and rough project plan
Comprehensive pre-phase incl. detailed concept, costs and project plan
... have already opted for Microsoft Entra.
... need a comprehensive process analysis and would like to prepare the migration with a pre-phase.
... want to start the migration project as quickly as possible.
Analysis and overview of your IdM architecture, identification of your processes (beyond the core processes)
Mapping of standard processes in Microsoft Entra
Evaluation of whether there are any show stoppers
Mapping between your processes and the technological functionalities of Microsoft Entra
Overview of licenses and possible costs
ROI calculation
Integration questions about source and target systems as well as other dependencies
Creation of the migration/transformation plan
Development of the project plan
Development of user stories and acceptance criteria
Detailed concept for the transformation to Microsoft Entra
Project plan with project objectives and description of work packages
Milestone plan incl. planning of migration or parallel operation
Recommendations for process optimization
Cost plan and effort estimate
Presentation of results with a management summary
IBsolution, headquartered in Heilbronn and with additional locations in Germany, Bulgaria and Switzerland, is one of the leading consulting companies for Identity & Access Management (IAM) for SAP customers worldwide. For more than 20 years, we have been the competent partner for organizations when it comes to implementing holistic IAM processes and solutions.
Objektkultur is a specialist for Microsoft IAM systems, in particular for consulting and setting up the Microsoft Entra platform: For over 20 years, we have been supporting companies from the implementation strategy and introduction to the migration from on-premise to cloud and multi-cloud systems to integration with various applications and services in their IT landscape.
Simply complete the form and submit it. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
The era of SAP Identity Management (IdM) ends on December 31, 2027, which means that companies using SAP IdM are faced with the challenge of ensuring continuous IdM operations after 2027 – without security risks and taking into account all compliance requirements.