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SAP AMS: How flexible, scalable support promotes business success

Written by Jens Nowaczyk | Oct 8, 2024

The term SAP Application Management Services (SAP AMS) covers services that help companies to operate and manage their SAP applications efficiently. These services cover various aspects of application management, such as maintenance and support as well as the optimization and further development of SAP systems. However, SAP AMS not only includes technical support such as incident management, but also advising users with regard to questions and assistance.



7 unbeatable advantages of SAP AMS that make life easier for IT managers



Handling SAP AMS with internal resources

If a company provides SAP AMS internally, the system often has a two-tier structure. The helpdesk takes care of all standard problems and forwards the tickets to the IT department if necessary. Their day-to-day work usually consists of user support, maintenance of the existing systems and their further development.


In some companies, a key user concept has been established. Here, users initially forward errors and requests for new developments and adaptations to a responsible key user. This key user is available as the first point of contact and passes the issue on to the IT department if required. The IT department itself buys in consultants or freelancers as required in order to implement major further developments or optimizations, as its own resources are often insufficient for this.


Advantages and disadvantages of internal SAP AMS

The biggest advantage of internal SAP AMS is the close relationship between IT and their users. In addition, there is usually no uncertainty with regard to business processes and company specifics.


However, internal IT is not flexibly scalable. Additional resource requirements and planned or unplanned absences due to vacation or illness are difficult to cover. In such cases, external support must be used – either by freelancers or employees of consulting companies, whose availability is not guaranteed. The same applies to special topics, which can usually only be implemented by proven experts and for the most part have to be procured externally.


The added value of external SAP AMS

It is also possible to completely outsource SAP AMS so that an external service provider takes care of all activities. Normally, issues are recorded on a ticket basis via the helpdesk and then passed on to the resources of the external service provider.The external service provider’s employees take care of all user issues, support them in the event of problems and are responsible for maintaining and optimizing the SAP systems. The main advantages of an external SAP AMS are the scalability of resources, the availability of specialists and access to the experience and expertise of the service provider’s employees. The only disadvantage is that the external service employees are not familiar with the specifics of the company. On the other hand, solutions can be discussed more openly and there are no mental barriers for external employees.


Companies benefit from SAP AMS

Various features of SAP AMS have a direct impact on business success, although they can vary depending on the company’s strategy and objectives. The following should be emphasized:

  • Flexibility
    The ability to adapt quickly to changing business requirements is crucial for companies today. A flexible SAP AMS allows companies to quickly implement new functionalities or customizations to respond to market changes or new customer needs.

  • Scalability

    Scalable support keeps pace with the growth of the company. If required, additional resources or services can be provided without causing significant disruption to operations.

  • Cost efficiency

    Effective support helps reduce operating costs by minimizing downtime and maximizing system efficiency. This results in better profitability and a higher return on investment (ROI).

  • Reliability

    A stable and reliable SAP AMS ensures that SAP systems run smoothly. Minimized downtime and high system availability are crucial for stable business operations.

  • Proactive maintenance

    Through proactive monitoring and maintenance, potential problems are detected early and resolved before they lead to major disruptions. This contributes significantly to the continuity of business operations.

  • Promoting innovation

    A supportive environment encourages innovation through the implementation of new technologies and processes that make the company more competitive.

  • Integration of business processes

    An effective SAP AMS ensures that SAP systems are seamlessly integrated with other business processes, increasing efficiency and breaking down silos within the organization.

  • Data analysis and reporting

    Support in the implementation of analytical tools enables companies to make data-driven decisions and adapt their strategies accordingly.

  • User support

    A powerful SAP AMS also includes support for users in all matters relating to SAP systems and applications.


Conclusion: Outsourcing SAP AMS is the most sensible option

SAP AMS provided by an external service provider supports corporate goals and business success better than support provided by internal IT. The contractual arrangements between the company and service provider ensure that issues are addressed and that responsibility is taken for them. Defined KPIs with a bonus-malus system guarantee short response and resolution times, minimize downtime and ensure higher system availability. Scalability and flexibility are among the key features of an external service provider for SAP AMS. Experience has shown that a company’s internal IT cannot guarantee both criteria in the same way.