Only three days from the idea to the clickable app

Posted by Uwe Eisinger on August 01, 2018

In only three days, customers can realize the prototype of a business application with the Design-Led Innovation Package for Business Apps from IBsolution and test it in the company. The package is realized at a fixed price using the latest working methods.


An extremely high innovation speed and the need to constantly reinvent themselves in times of digitalization force companies to adapt their processes quickly to new conditions. Traditional project methods often cannot withstand this speed. New approaches such as design-led innovation are in demand, which place the customer at the center of every innovation development and use agile methods to achieve initial results quickly.

This is exactly the goal of the Design-Led Innovation Package for Business Apps from IBsolution. In several design sprints, improvement potentials in the processes named by the customer are analyzed, solutions are developed and prototypes are created based on them. The development process starts with elements of design thinking and the creation of personae, for which a first use case is outlined.

Further working methods, for example “Crazy 8 in 5”, ensure the greatest possible variety of variants in the solution design. From the pool of ideas now available, the most promising ideas are worked out and implemented by UX designers in a first interactive prototype, which can already be tested by end users. The final step is then the validation in the company with the different business units and interest groups. If this is successful, nothing stands in the way of a go-live of the solution.

The Design-Led Innovation Package for Business Apps is offered at a fixed price of 5,000 EUR.